Are you having fat day or a phat day? Fat days are those days when you feel bloated, heavy, water logged or your body is just 'off'. Phat days are awesome. You feel trim, washboard stomach, and you're ready to take on the world.
Phat days are so much better than fat days. Phat days bring a bounce in your step and your self esteem could reach outer space. Nothing can stand in your way because you feel good, you feel strong, your pants fit, you tightened your belt one more hole when you got dressed. You put on that form fitting shirt. Even you're hair is cooperating. All that healthy eating is paying off. Your nails are growing, your skin is soft and supple and your wrinkles even seem to diminish a little bit. But most noticeable of all is your broad wide smile! This healthy living is awesome! Your dedication and patience is paying off - finally.
But then a fat day comes along. You're angry. You roll out of bed and feel like the Goodyear blimp. The toilet seat squeaks as you sit down. You're thinking, I put on five pounds overnight! Your towel doesn't seem to quite wrap all the way around you after your shower. Then you see it - the scale staring you down, taunting you, daring you step on. You're browsing your closet for your 'looser' fitting dress pants and flowing shirt. It doesn't make sense, you've been working your butt off, sticking to your meal plan and still you are faced with these fat days.
It's fine. No need to worry and get discouraged as long as you are being honest about the effort you have put forth. Have you cheated on your food, have you skipped out on one too many workouts or skimping on your sleep? Fat days will happen. Not a big deal. It's a mind game. Guess what?! You are in charge so take a deep breath and remember it's only a day or two. If it becomes a week or two, then you may want to be concerned. Chances are you are not being honest with yourself.
Our bodies are complex. Not every day can be a great body day. Your body may react differently to food choices, sodium, menstrual cycle, climate, stress, etc. So cherish the phat days and take the fat days in stride.
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