I'm happy with my age. I am proud to say I am 42 years old. I don't think I look 42, nor do I generally act like I am 42 years old, but I am. I don't hide it or run from it. I have accomplished many things in my life thus far. I am not finished by any means but I don't feel as though I have wasted my youth so to speak. I was a rather serious child and teenager. I've lightened up in my middle age. I am more relaxed. I have a better sense of humor. I have grown into my sarcasm. I eliminate the bullshit from my life. I do what I want to do rather than what others want me to do. I am not selfish but I am self worthy.
I am not a fake or artificial person. I believe I make a good friend. I am honest, sometimes to a fault. I can be a bit too blunt, not because I'm trying to hurt feelings, but I expect someone to treat me the same way. Don't lie to me. It doesn't benefit anyone. I guess this is some of the wisdom that comes with age. Maybe, maybe not. However, it has for me.
I am a busy person like most. I work full time, have children, a boyfriend, household duties and family responsibilities. But I still make time for me. "If mom's not happy, then no one is happy." I never understood that phrase as a child. As a 42 year old working single mom, I have never had a better understanding of this phrase at this point in my life. However, I have learned that I need and deserve some 'me' time. My me time is spent with GYM.
The gym is my sanctuary. I love to train. I love to lift. I sorta kinda like cardio. I like to push my body to it's limits. Sometimes those limits make me want to puke. I have fitness friends who understand my obsession with the iron. We can chat but they also know when it's time to get down to business with the workout. No harm, no foul. We speak the same language.
The gym releases my stress. The gym helps me solve problems. The gym makes me feel sexy. The gym makes me healthy. The gym is where I compete against my mind and my body. The gym is where I fit in - fit in with me.
I am young. I feel young. I look young. These may not all be true but it is how I FEEL about me. This is what gym does for me. I love GYM.
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