Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Price of Fitne$$

Being fit and healthy comes at a price. The price is small when you weigh it against the benefits you reap.   Fitness costs you time and money, both are limited.  It is up to you to determine the budget for your health.  

How you decide to pursue your fitness goals determines what your costs will be.   Different levels of fitness require varying budgets. However, there are shortcuts or cheaper avenues you can pursue but it will require a bit of effort on your part as well as some research.  If you are truly dedicated to your fitness and health, you will do your best to make it part of your financial budget in order to reach your goals.  Time management should also be viewed as a budget.  You have many other obligations in life and if fitness is a priority, you need to 'budget' it into your day as well. 

I decided several years ago to stop feeling guilty about spending money on my passion.  It is an investment in me, my health and happiness.  Most people think nothing of spending hundreds of dollars on a purse or a pair of shoes and thousands of dollars on a car, clothing, entertainment, etc.  But when it comes to spending money on gym memberships, workout clothes, weight lifting equipment, workout shoes, personal training or supplements, we are reluctant because it seems trivial or a 'waste'.  It is not. If these items make getting fit and maintaining a healthier lifestyle easier, more fun, hold you accountable, or  motivate you, then the money is well spent. 

However, that doesn't mean if you can't afford these things, you should make excuses to not workout.  Again, how much of a priority is it for you?  You need to be creative with equipment if a gym is not an option for you. But it will require a bit of your imagination and research to achieve similar results. It is doable! 

My trainer often suggests various equipment that will aid me in reaching my goals.  Sometimes, they are cheap simple items like Versa Gripps and other times can be expensive purchases such as my training sled and weight plates or my front squat harness. I evaluate how the item will benefit me and make a plan to purchase it if I am unable to do so immediately. These items make great gift ideas for birthdays, Christmas or Anniversaries!  Don't laugh!  I've received hanging Ab Straps for Valentine's Day and Vibram Fivefinger shoes for Christmas.  It is what I want!  

My fitness if important to me and competing can be expensive.  The competition suits, spray tanning, posing coach, entry fees, polygraph fee, supplements/protein, etc.  So if I am going to invest in competing, why would I not invest in the tools I need to make me look and feel my best? So now instead of purchasing a Coach purse, I buy a new pair of Vibram's, workout pants/shorts or my favorite - baseball hats, an essential tol for my workouts!

Budget your fitness!  It is worth it. If you begin to make an investment now, your future will be far more profitable!  Invest in yourself because the payoff is priceless.

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